What's New
Board of Psychology Vacant Board Positions
The Office of Professional Licensure and Certification (OPLC) is currently looking to
fill three open public member positions on the Board of Psychology. Additionally, the
Board will have two psychologist seats available in July of 2024.
An eligible public member shall be a person who is not, and never was a member of
the mental health profession or the spouse of any such person, and who does not
have, and never has had, a material financial interest in either the provision of
mental health services, a health insurance company, health maintenance
organization, or an activity directly related to mental health practice, including
representation of the boards or profession for a fee, at any time during the 5 years
preceding appointment. The eligible member shall be a resident of this state.
An eligible Psychologist member shall be a current NH licensed psychologist eligible
to practice under RSA 329-B:15. Appointed by the Governor with the approval of
the Council. The eligible member shall be a resident of this state.
Board members attend meetings at the OPLC and utilize their expertise to make
recommendations on rules, requirements, licensing applications, renewals, and
complaints. Board members also attend adjudicative hearings on disciplinary
matters and make recommendations as needed.
For information on applying for a Board member position, visit Interested in
Becoming Board Member | NH Office of Professional Licensure and