Board of Dental Examiners Opioid Resources

Resources for prescribing opioids for pain management.

Use of a morphine dose equivalent calculator is recommended for prescribers of opioids.

Acute Pain Patient

The emergency rules require licensees who prescribe an opioid for acute pain to provide the patient with certain information. The Board's Acute Pain Patient Information document can be used for this purpose, although licensees may choose a different method of communicating this information.

Chronic Pain

The emergency rules require licensees who prescribe opioids for chronic pain to utilize the following:

  1. An informed consent with specific elements. The Board does not endorse a specific informed consent, but samples can be found on the NH Medical Society website, and The National Institute on Drug Abuse website.
  2. A risk assessment with specific elements. The Board does not endorse a specific risk assessment tool, but samples can be found on the NH Medical Society websiteAmerican Academy of Pain Medicine website and the Washington State Agency Medical Directors' Group.
  3. A written pain agreement. The Board does not endorse a specific pain agreement, but samples can be found on the NH Medical Society website and the Washington State Agency Medical Directors' Group.
  4. Appropriate toxicology screens.

These licensees must also adhere to the principles outlined in the NH Dental Society Opioids in the Dental Practice Guidelines for New Hampshire Dentists and the Federation of State Medical Boards Model Policy on the Use of Opioid Analgesics in the Treatment of Chronic Pain.