Board of Licensing for Alcohol and Other Drug Use Professionals Actions
Disciplinary Actions taken by the Board.
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The Board of Licensing for Alcohol and Other Drug Use Professionals retains disciplinary documents on this website for a 7 year period. To determine the discipline history of a particular licensee, you may use New Hampshire's Online License Verification website, which provides the disciplinary documents and the current status of the license.
The Board has taken these disciplinary actions:
- Cunningham, Kiernan W. #0331 Final Decision and Order 6/20/2024
- Sayres, Ronald #0878 Final Decision and Order, 4/3/2024
- Johnston, Sarah #0308 Final Decision and Order, 11/16/2023
- Joe Vincent M. #0245 Final Decision and Order 8/31/2023
- Joe, Vincent M. #0245 Settlement Agreement, 4/21/2023
- Desjardins,Dawn L. #0186 Final Decision and Order, 3/16/2023
- Pepper, Sarah #0159 Final Decision and Order, 1/12/2023
- Harnden, Jasmine #0366 Final Decision and Order, 11/17/2022
- Johnston, Sarah #0308 Final Decision and Order, 11/14/2022
- Jackman, Lon #1048 Settlement Agreement, 4/15/2022
- Faghan, Robert F. #0993 Final Show Cause Order and Approval, 07/30/2021
- Donahue, Dominic #0931, Final Decision and Order, 7/13/2021
- Penrod, Allen #0951, Settlement Agreement, 5/10/2018
- Stone, Peter #0840, Voluntary Surrender, 4/18/2018