Board of Medicine
The Board of Medicine was created by the Legislature in 1897 to ensure that all physicians had the training and skills necessary to practice safe and effective medicine for the people of the State. The Board grants licenses to qualified applicants. It is responsible for monitoring its licensees to ensure that they maintain a level of current medical knowledge and skill and that they practice safely and ethically.
Who We Regulate:
- Physicians
- Physician Assistants
What's New:
- HB 322 Final Report of the Committee to Study the New Hampshire Board of Medicine
- New Partnership with VeriDoc Announced - Board of Medicine
- All Continuing Education for the Board of Medicine will now be tracked through CE Broker
- Important Changes About Your License Period
Contact Information:
Office of Professional Licensure & Certification
7 Eagle Square
Concord NH, 03301
Customer Support:
Welcome to OPLC Customer Support