Board of Nursing Education Programs

Types of Licensed Nurse Aide and Medication Nurse Aide programs that are board monitored and approved, program review schedules, programs related to Registered and Practical Nursing and Pass Rates for Entry level programs that are monitored and approved by the Board of Nursing.

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Licensed Nursing Assistant and Medication Nursing Assistant Programs

Post-Licensure Programs in New Hampshire

Not regulated to be overseen by the Board of Nursing are provided for reference for academic advancement.

Registered Nurse and Practical Nurse Programs

Pre-Licensure Out of State/Distance Education - Required pursuant to Nur 602.15 (j)

Pursuant to Nur 602.15 (j) pre-licensure nursing education programs located in jurisdictions other than New Hampshire that contract with health care facilities or agencies in New Hampshire to provide clinical experience for nursing students shall register their intent with the board prior to providing the experience. Notification of intended placement of students in NH shall occur 6 weeks in advance of the clinical experience. Schools seeking clinical placement in NH shall complete and submit:

  1. Annually Complete: Form A New Hampshire Petition for Non-New Hampshire Based Programs Offering Clinical Experience in New Hampshire
  2. For each student rotation: Form New Hampshire Petition for Non-New Hampshire Based Pre-Licensure Programs Offering Clinical Experience in New Hampshire, Part B- Student Clinical Placement, 10-29-2014
  3. For each preceptor: Form Clinical Preceptor Agreement for Non New Hampshire Based Pre-Licensure Programs Offering Clinical Experience in New Hampshire, 01-07-2015
  4. If faculty from outside of New Hampshire is providing direct clinical supervision in New Hampshire , they must meet all standards for a faculty in nursing programs; including holding an unencumbered license in New Hampshire pursuant to the New Hampshire Nurse Practice Act; and complete the Nursing Program Faculty Appointment form for each faculty member providing direct clinical supervision in New Hampshire (once).

Distance Education RN-BSN 
Saint Joseph's College of Maine Online
278 Whites Bridge Road
Standish, ME 04084
Phone: (800) 752-4723
Contact: Kelly Hudock, CRNP DNP CNE - Chair, Department of Nursing

Pre-Licensure Out of State/Distance Education Forms

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